
同樣都是建議圖書館加裝 openoffice , 北縣公務員和北市真是天南地北 ...

discuss pic 2006-12-13 16:12:01
你的留言:您好 : 我是讀者,因為本身工作需要與 linux 以及 OpenOffice 軟體使用,正好我有長久經驗以及必要性; 在北縣蘆洲.縣圖館看到它們全系列採用 OpenOffice,不過版本好像太舊了,可否全面升級為v2.04?! 您可以參考URLhttp://ooo.tnc.edu.tw/http://zh.openoffice.org/downloads.html 結論: 請升級OpenOffice目前最穩定/最新/好用的版本 :v2.04繁體中文版, 如果有任何可以幫忙地方,也請來信,我願意幫忙. XXX

我們的回覆:親愛的讀者,您好: 謝謝您的寶貴建議,本館已派員近日內完成蘆洲市立圖書館及各分館的公共電腦openoffice軟體升級至v2.04版本. 行政組 XXX
discuss pic 2006-12-13 16:18:38
底下文章 , 是我寫信給社子圖館的建議信 ;
因為我常使用社子圖館資源 , 故我想我體會最深刻 ,
之前我口頭也建議過1次 , 我的感受是 :
就跟警察也有壞類份子一樣 , 同樣都是公務員--圖書館員 ,
他們薪水也都是我們公民支付 , 為何積極以及處事態度如此天與地?
這跟北市或北縣無關 , 跟人有關 ...
很糟 ~
您好,XXX 先生/女士:

  您於 2006-12-11 08:03:08 在本館「讀者留言版」網頁留言:

序號(4701) 標題:[建議事項]

您好 :
我是圖者Y120XXXX**00,因為本身工作需要與 linux 以及
OpenOffice 軟體使用,正好我有長久經驗以及必要性;
腦礙於經費因素,惟1台機器只灌Microsoft OpenOffice,
3.OpenOffice 免費使用,可適於任何場所






如果您還有任何疑問,請利用下列的電子郵件或電話與本館相關單位連絡,謝謝 !!!

葫蘆堵分館:k11@email.tpml.edu.tw 電話:28126513
discuss pic 2006-12-13 16:28:33
大家可以一起來留言在圖館 讀者留言區 ,
要求圖館加裝 Oo 嗎 ?
discuss pic 2006-12-13 17:59:39
Good idea...

昨天剛好去高雄應科大参加“公文線上簽章成果發表會“。(怎麼一些人抱怨德文有很長的詞,中文也可以...)我好像問一些比較“不方便”的問題,因為他們系統也一定要Windows (2000/XP), Word (2000以上), IE (6.0)。問他們這樣是不是Linux, BSD, Solaris, OS X 的使用者都沒有辦法線上簽公文,那家公司的經理回答“本公司的政策就是...”


因為他們經理好像根本不太了解技術的事情(問他們系統用什麼方式做authentication,他只能回答“用Single Sign-On,但是這個系統之前已經有,不是我們做的”。埃及?),所以沒有問其它銩臉的問題,像:在Windows Vista, Word 2007, IE 7之下,他們系統會不會還有辦法運作?或:貴公司知不知道 Word目前有兩個嚴重的漏洞?而且,根本不要談到IE6...

可惜,台灣真的(還)是微軟的天國。等一家公司來跟我說我可以用什麼軟體實在太方便。他們demo的時候也開PDF,然後他們經理道歉因為要等比較久才能看到檔案內容。當然,如果他一定要用Adobe Acrobate Reader 5.0,他就需要耐心一點。任何一個其它的reader會快多了,但是他根本不知道有其它軟體可以用。

Cranberry,你的圖書官問題應該也是類似的原因:沒有任何公司來demo OO,所以如果一個讀者來說這種事情,那個軟體應該太奇怪。也許,我們安裝之後電腦還會中毒...

改變人家這方面的想法好像還是一條很長的路。抱歉我在這裡抱怨,但是我現在還蠻生气昨天的事。(他們系統在另一些,處理公文的方面也有點... 如果這個可以叫“成果”...)


"I am at a rough estimate, thirty billion times more intelligent than you. Let me give you an example. Think of a number, any number."
"Er, five."
"Wrong! You see?"

Douglas Adams, "Life, the Universe and Everything"
discuss pic 2006-12-13 19:23:07
上個禮拜天跟一位當公務員的學長聊天,他提到政府的電子公文交換系統(好像是這麼稱呼)用的都是用 word,我看他也沒有動機使用 openoffice。當然,這是他說的,我沒有去注意過政府的電子公文系統到底怎麼用....


在我們系上的 notebook 都是我自己動手裝,每次 openoffice 出新版時,我都利用下課十分鐘砍掉舊版、再裝新版(我不太放心直接裝新版),還好 openoffice 的安裝速度夠快,十分鐘大約剛好。
discuss pic 2006-12-14 03:16:33
關於在圖書館推廣 OOo, 小弟也有一堆不怎麼愉快的經驗

這是小弟常去的圖書館 (日內瓦分校區圖書館)

因為圖書館提供學術用免費的雷射彩色列印, 所以我常去印實驗紀錄 (培養皿的照片), 每次都趁機展示並分享 OOo 所做出來的實驗紀錄, 也常跟負責電腦管理的館員, 館長及其他館員推銷 OOo (包括 portalble OOo). 我自己也寫了 how to install Openoffice.org on Mac OS X 給他們, 就是沒人理我. 後來那為館員可能受不了我的強力推銷, 在一台 PC 上裝了 OOo.

我們圖書館常有 workshop, 介紹如何使用 Word, Excel, photoshop....那位館員原本打算請另一個人主持一個 workshop: Gimp, 也請我來開個 Workshop: Openoffice.org. 但是一直沒有下文, 後來那位館員退休了. 新的資訊館員還沒來, 當然我還是會繼續推銷 free software. 之前已寫信給分校區的最高長官, 列了一堆 free software, 長官轉給館長, 但是就沒下文了, 希望這是正要發芽的種子, 不要又無聲無息.

有時候很灰心, 這些東西這麼好, 又免費, 又有位亞洲人 (就是小弟我啦!) 願意幫忙安裝, 為何不用? 直到看到 Taiwan Cnet 獨孤木的某篇文章, 才恍然大悟, 不要強力推銷一個會另老鳥到不安的東西. 所以我要慢慢改變策略, 迂迴前進, 例如我打算用 Portable 的軟體, 故意在書館的電腦上做出很驚人的效果, 然後故意問館員你有安裝這個嗎? 然後把隨身碟移除, 各訴他秘密都在裏面, 有興趣來問我.

不過有些正面的事, 我們系上某實驗室的教授及他的技術人員很早就開始用 OOo, 我老闆也在我半推半就, 長期薰陶, 軟硬兼施之下安裝了 OOo and Neooffice.

對了, 下次各位到我們分校區的圖書館,若發現電腦還是有安裝 OOo, 請記得, 那是一位台灣來的小伙子發起的.
discuss pic 2007-01-09 12:46:04
01/06 2007, 收到圖書館員的回信, 看完後十分火大, 當然不只是信的內容. 是因為之前與那位館員溝通過, 覺得失望.

原本想要馬上貼在補給站, 後來想想, 乾脆把信寄給理查史托曼 (Richard Stallman, 自由軟體基金會創立人), 告 "洋" 狀, 抱怨一下. 信一寄出就收到系統的自動回信 (看完內容覺得真是個怪人). 01/07 收到他的回信給與鼓勵. 01/08 取得他的同意把信件內容貼出來, 把他幾點建議讓大家知道, 可能對大家推廣有所幫助.

PS1 原來大師也會抽空回信, 沒有想像中的那麼遙不可及
PS2 小弟的破英文是沒救的, 敬請見諒 (希望沒有出太多洋相)
PS3 文中有些偏激言論, 若站長覺得不妥, 那就把那幾句話刪了吧. (01/10, 小弟還是主動把那些不妥的句子刪了, 抱歉, 造成困擾)

1. 這一段是 2006 年 9 月, 我寫給主任的信, 主任把信轉給給圖書館員.
Dear Dr. Burr
My name is One Dollar, a graduate student in Dr.
Henick-Kling's lab.

I have some suggestions about software for our library. Besides my research work, I also collect free software that we need in biology. Fortunately, I already found all software we need for graduate students and biologists. And now, I am happy to share my experiences with Station community.

Since they are free, why don't we try them! Just download, install and use them. Maybe we can have a group of people to evaluate whether the software fit what we need first, before running workshops.

Please let me know if I can contribute anything for Station and library about free software. Thanks!
1. Office: OpenOffice.org
a. Free, $0
b. for Mac, MS, and Linux
c. Highly compatible with MS office
d. files can be exported as PDF
please see www.openoffice.org

2. Scientific plotting: RLplot
a. Free, $0
b. for Mac, MS, and Linux
c. Publication quality
d. Good for drawing data with error bars
e. ANOVA and regression

Besides RLplot, there are some plotting programs:

Scigraphica (MS windows, Linux):http://scigraphica.sourceforge.net/
Gnumeric (MS windows, Linux):http://www.gnome.org/projects/gnumeric/

3. For chemical structure drawing
a. for Mac and Linux, I like Chemtool (free, $0)

b. for MS windows, I suggest ISIS/Draw (free for registration and

4. For bibliographic software: Bibus (like EndNote but free)
a. Free, $0
b. For Mac (MS Word), MS (MS Word and Openoffice.org), and Linux
c. I used Bibus for my A-exam proposal in March 2006.


5. Statistics software
a. for MS windows, PAST is good (I use PAST on Linux via wine. wine is
a program that supports software designed for MS)

6. Image processing: Gimp
a. free, $0
b. Powerful as Photoshop

If you are interested in free (freedom & $0) scientific software, please
see the following two weds

One Dollar
Graduate student, FST, NYSAES


2. 這一段是館員的回信 (大家都叫我 One Dollar)

One Dollar,

Your request that several software packages be added to the Lee Library was forwarded to me by Dr. Burr. We appreciate suggestions for items to add to the collection and ways we can improve our services. We have received suggestions from you before and I believe we have responded, though we have not always implemented your recommendations.

We provide software on our public computers and offer workshops on the use of many of them, based on our understanding of the needs of the whole Station community.

In evaluating new software, we consider the purchase cost, how widely it's used in labs and offices at the station, if it is being requested for use with a course, feedback from those familiar with it, whether it conflicts with other software already running on our machines, whether CU has a site license or special rate for installation and use, whether it is available at other libraries at CU, how much support we will need to provide to install, update, and maintain the software, and how much user assistance will be needed.

So, the selection of our software is based primarily on what our user
community has in their labs and offices and partially on what we feel they would use if the software were available, but there are also many other considerations as we evaluate it. Suggestions like yours are welcome, and we then evaluate the merits of adding it to the group of software packages that we make available, support and offer instruction on.

In evaluating your suggestions in the past, we have added OpenOffice to one public computer in the library and we have purchased several manuals for other software on your most recent list of recommended software programs. Over the last year or two, I have ordered two books on Gimp, the open access image processing software you list. We also have a couple of books on R Computer Program Language for statistics and graphics. Though these are not on your list specifically, it is my understanding that these are related to the program you mentioned, RLplot. There is also good online help for these programs. (樂觀一點說, 買自由軟體操作手冊也算是一種進步, 就不要太苛求了人家一頁之間全面安裝自由軟體)

I encourage you and others to use the software if you feel it fits your
needs and the time may come when it's appropriate to add most or all to Library computers, but now is not the time. We will keep your list and refer to it in the future when we may see the need for these or similar programs.

Thanks for your interest in providing the best resources and services to the Station community.



3. 老實說, 我覺得上面說的都是客套話, 他說因為沒有需求, 所以不打算用. 我就說因為有需要, 你們才提供, 可不可以變成你們提供, 大家來學, 不然你們教 Photoshop, 學校要花錢買, 你們職員回到家也要花錢買. 顯然他無法理解我在說啥, 只一味的說沒有需求.

01/06 , 收到信後, 念頭一轉, 心想, 何不把信轉給 Richard Stallman. 寫了封信, 並把把上面的內容寄給他.
Dear Mr. Richard Stallman,

I have been a 100% free software user almost one year. In the past year, I was learning free software while sharing my experiences to my friends and library.

My name is One Dollar. I'm from Taiwan, and I am a graduate student.

September 2006, I suggested the library, Geneva campus, some free software. But it seems that I don't get a good answer. In the beginning, I thought that maybe I was an Asian and spoke poor English, so those people were not persuaded by me. Now I understand that it is not my problem (I mean ethnic or language). It is human nature--afraid to change.

I don't know how many people in Taiwan get involved in free software, but just let you know, we Taiwanese have a strong and enthusiastic free software community. We appreciate all free software worker's efforts. And we appreciate you, Mr. Richard Stallman.


One Dollar

4. 這是他第一次回信

First of all, I am glad that you made an effort to promote free
software. It is very important to take the step from _appreciation_
to _activism_, and you have done so.

Second, don't give up just because your first effort did not succeed.
What you tried to do is hard! People usually do not listen -- but
occasionally they do. If you keep on trying, you will achieve

Third, activism is a skill. As you do it more, you will learn to do
it more effectively.

It helps to join up with other activists. One thing you could do is
join the FSF (see fsf.org), and then work with other members near you. Or you could simply start a local activist group with whoever you know or can arrange to meet.

In free software activism, it is always important to emphasize
that "free" refers to freedom (ziyou) not price (mienfei).


5. 哇! 連自由,免費的拼音都出來了. 老實說, 沒有期待他會回信, 畢竟人家是什麼人物, 我是什麼東西. 所以收到回信後很興奮, 而且鼓勵我再試試. 也強調 free 是自由, 不是免費.

我想要把這內容貼到補給站, 所以我先取得他的同意,

Thank you for your encouragement, and I will continue to learn, share and extend free software. I will report you if I make any progress in library, Geneva campus.

I want to get you permission to post your encouraging reply to
OpenOffice.org Taiwan forum (please seehttp://ooo.tnc.edu.tw/). Because recently we had a topic about extension of OpenOffice.org in local library. and I shared my experience over there. I believe your reply will be a big, positive impact for free software users in Taiwan. Sure, other free
software forums can see it, too.

I am not sure that you can read traditional Chinese or not, however, I put some famous free software webs in Taiwan here.

OOo forum TW


Here is English version


And I want to get you permission to post your encouraging reply to
OpenOffice.org Taiwan forum (please seehttp://ooo.tnc.edu.tw/). Because
recently we had a topic about extension of OpenOffice.org in local
library. and I shared my experience over there.

Please do. (他說可以貼)

I am not sure that you can read traditional Chinese or not, however, I put
some famous free software webs in Taiwan here.

Alas, I only studied one year of Chinese, and that was 35 years ago.
I remember a few characters only. (天呀! 他學過中文. 他 1974 大學畢業, 不就是大一大二時學的?)

笨牛, 日內瓦一條牛




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