vixensjlin 寫道:
我的環境有MS Windows, Linux與Mac, 採用Openoffice與NeoOffice, 在編輯文件時, 有個頭大問題就是:
. 我只想找兩個基本字型, 然後通通安裝在三個平台上.
1. Helvetica/Arial,
2. Times
居然找不到合法免費或者公開的下載來源....真是不敢相信, 各位能幫忙嗎?
vixensjlin 寫道:
我想要問有關於英文字型的問題, 不知道在這裡發文對不對.
我的環境有MS Windows, Linux與Mac, 採用Openoffice與NeoOffice, 在編輯文件時, 有個頭大問題就是:
. 我只想找兩個基本字型, 然後通通安裝在三個平台上.
1. Helvetica/Arial,
2. Times
Adolar 寫道:
Why not try Dejavu?
Sorry, this comes in English...
We can split according to several criteria:
Serif/Sans Serif
Proportional/Non-proportional (monospace, fixed width)
There are a few more, but these are the most common. In regular documents, I would use a Sans Serif typeface (Helvetica, Arial...) for headings and a Serif typeface (Times) for text.
Monospace typefaces are only useful for programming and ASCII terminals.
vixensjlin 寫道:
是很不錯的單純解決方案, 但是不是大多數人都安裝這個字型, 結果送出去的文件到對方手裡就會一團亂.
vixensjlin 寫道:
And for sequencing display in Biological Sciences, Matrix display in Math, reports/charts in Medicine, etc.....